As we begin another year, I am looking ahead with great anticipation to what God is going to do in New Brighton in 2020. We are starting the year in preparation for our Good News Club at the New Brighton Elementary School coming in February. If you have any children in K-5 at NBES, please let them know the club permission slips will be in the school's main office by mid-January.
We are also looking forward to continuing some exciting ministries this spring including our Street Picnics as well as Street Prayer. At least one of the Street Picnics will be sponsored by our Celebrate Recovery team. The dates are yet to be determined.
Our weekly schedule remains unchanged from the Fall and is as follows...
Sunday REAL Bible Study - 8:30 am
Sunday worship - 9:45 am
Sunday small groups - 11:15 am
Celebrate Recovery - 7:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer gathering - 7:00 pm
Friday men's prayer - 9:00 am
Friday REAL Bible Study - 10:00 am
Hope to see you this winter!