Purpose of this Blog

2021 Theme verse
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." 1 Timothy 2:15

Friday, March 9, 2018

March-April 2018 Happenings

Spring is here!

March and April are busy times and there is a full schedule.

March 4 - Passover Seder with Abraham Sandler (9:45 am)
March 25 - Easter caroling at the Beaver Valley Nursing and Rehab Center (2:30 pm)
March 28 - Passion Week gathering (7:00 pm)
March 29 - Passion Week gathering with Communion (7:00 pm)
March 30 - Passion Week gathering as part of Celebrate Recovery (7:00 pm)

April 1 - Easter SonRise gathering (7:00 am)
April 1 - Easter Worship gathering (10:00 am)
April 19 - FBC serves at the New Brighton Soup Kitchen
April 28 - FBC serving at the Tiger Pause "Rumble in the Jungle"

Hope to see you often in March and April!