March is a busy month. Besides all of the regualar monthly services, Bible Studies, and events, here are some of this month's highlights:
Sunday, March 6 at 10am we have a Passover Seder / Communion Service instead of our regular Worship service and Sunday School. This will be led by our brother in Christ, Abrahm Sandler from the Rock of Ages Messianic Jewish Congrgation near Pittsburgh.
Sunday, March 13 we are back to our regular service times and our missionaries from Cambodia, John and Debbie Coats, will be visiting with us. This is also the day we switch to Daylight Saving Time so adjust those clocks!
Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30pm the ladies will gather for their monthly Bible Study. What's new is a men's Bible Study that will take place at the same time.
Wednesday, March 23 is the day we host the New Brighton Soup Kitched which is held twice each week at Christ Episcopal Church.
Thursday, March 24 is our Holy Week Communion Service at 7pm.
Resurrection Sunday we have a SonRise Service at 7am with breakfast following. Then at 10:30am we have our Worship Service and Cantata.
Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 30 our regular Bible studies start a new series on the New Testament Book of Ephesians.
May the Lord bless you and we hope to see you this week!